Note: Please contact the main office for support.

- All sales, billing, and FFL information and question can be answered by our sales office: 205-655-7500 or [email protected]
- Custom Shop rifles can be purchased directly from ANA through your local FFL dealer.
- We do not work on used rifles; only new inventory from our warehouse.
- Any modifications done to the rifle immediately and completely voids the warranty. No exceptions.
Accuracy Questions
During the build of a rifle, we extensively test the rifles for accuracy and consistency. Many times we find that rifles will favor a brand of ammunition over the others, and even show significant preference from lot to lot. This is well known for many target shooters, but not well understood by new or novice shooters to rimfire.
Before the rifles are shipped, we have evaluated the accuracy of the rifle and provided test targets to the customer. If for some reason the customer is unable to find a good lot of ammunition or unable to make the rifle shoot to their standards, we will work with them on more test lots of ammunition and suggestions.
We only use two brands and grades of ammo to check accuracy with; RWS R-50 and Lapua Midas +. We do not QC with any lower grade of ammunition. Because we import RWS, we often have well over a dozen lots to test from, and this allows us to not only check the rifle's accuracy but to also let the customer know which lot shot the best.
If at the end the customer is not pleased with accuracy, we will take back the rifle and retest the rifle. If the rifle again produces the similar groups that were initially presented to the customer, we will agree to take back the rifle, damage free, and refund 75% of the original purchase price.
During the build of a rifle, we extensively test the rifles for accuracy and consistency. Many times we find that rifles will favor a brand of ammunition over the others, and even show significant preference from lot to lot. This is well known for many target shooters, but not well understood by new or novice shooters to rimfire.
Before the rifles are shipped, we have evaluated the accuracy of the rifle and provided test targets to the customer. If for some reason the customer is unable to find a good lot of ammunition or unable to make the rifle shoot to their standards, we will work with them on more test lots of ammunition and suggestions.
We only use two brands and grades of ammo to check accuracy with; RWS R-50 and Lapua Midas +. We do not QC with any lower grade of ammunition. Because we import RWS, we often have well over a dozen lots to test from, and this allows us to not only check the rifle's accuracy but to also let the customer know which lot shot the best.
If at the end the customer is not pleased with accuracy, we will take back the rifle and retest the rifle. If the rifle again produces the similar groups that were initially presented to the customer, we will agree to take back the rifle, damage free, and refund 75% of the original purchase price.